EDINBORO, PA – Records show that the number of new freshman and transfer students for Fall 2011 at Edinboro University has dropped since last year’s census.

DSCF3126“This is not surprising, given the declining demographics in northwestern Pennsylvania,” said Jeff Pinski, associate director of university communications.

In 2010, Edinboro boasted 1,628 new freshmen and 464 transfer students. This year, according to Pinski, the total number was 1,584 freshman and 412 transfer students.

Even though the number of new students may be lower than it was in 2010, “undergraduate enrollment pretty much kept pace with last year’s record numbers,” states Pinski.

On opening day of classes, the number of undergraduate students was 6,826, compared to the 6,840 of last year.

“Also interesting is that our total enrollment on the first day of class, was 8,434, which exactly ties the second highest enrollment year ever [during Fall 2009],” said Pinski.

The efforts of the communication and marketing department at the university are part of what make these numbers possible.

“We are constantly promoting Edinboro by informing news media of university, faculty and student success stories and events, as well as launching major media advertising campaigns,” said Pinski.

The communications office tries to cover every aspect of advertising and communications in order to get word out about the university.

Television, radio, magazine, outdoor advertising, and social media targeting a key audience are some of the venues that are used.

Another reason Edinboro has gained more new students is because of the work of Craig Grooms, Director of Undergraduate Admissions, and his co-workers. They are busy every day of the year promoting our university through a myriad of activities, said Pinski.

“Our undergraduate admissions office does a tremendous job in working with school districts, media, students and families,” said Kimberly Kennedy, Director of Residence Life and Orientation.

Due to these efforts, Kennedy said that, “overall, our numbers are up slightly over last year for students residing on campus.  We opened approximately 40 students over last year’s census.” The total number of on-campus residents is 2,181.

Grooms and his co-workers promote the university at college and career fairs, like the one this past week that was located in Erie, in order to get a chance to talk face-to-face with the students and their parents, counselors, etc., said Pinski.

Conducting visits to high schools throughout Pennsylvania as well as parts of West Virginia and New Jersey, the Office of Admissions gives prospective students information about the university and encourages them to give out their contact information.

That way, said Grooms, we can send out more information and keep in contact with them throughout the rest of the year.

“We host numerous visit opportunities for perspective students and their families during both semesters and throughout the summer,” said Grooms.

October 1 will be the opening of the Fall Open House program. Grooms and his team also partner with different departments on campus for various events.

Yet, the official “freeze” date for admitting new students is not until September 20. So, the final numbers are currently “fluid and in a state of flux, as enrollment always is immediately before and for several weeks after the start of any new semester,” said Pinski.

While this year’s records may never equal last year, the university may still gain several more students.

(Taken from The Spectator, Vol. 3, Issue 1)

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